The H&W Gang Talk About Travel
By Jess Haines
Hello there! Jess Haines here. I'm the author of
the urban fantasy H&W Investigations series
and the upcoming STALKING THE OTHERS [link:] ).
(HUNTED BY THE OTHERS [link: http://www.kensingtonbooks.
TAKEN BY THE OTHERS [link: http://www.kensingtonbooks.
DECEIVED BY THE OTHERS [link: http://www.kensingtonbooks.
and the upcoming
Shiarra has been having a
pretty bad time of things lately. She's here with some of her friends
(and otherwise) to tell you about it. Since I'm headed to New
Orleans in August for Authors After Dark, they H&W Gang are going
to touch on the Big Easy (among other places). Over to you, Shia!
Shiarra: I've
only been to New Orleans once. I don't remember most of it.
Neither do I. I think we both had one Sazerac too many.
Arnold: Sazerac?
Sara: A drink
New Orleans is famous for. When we went on vacation, Shia and I tried
We tried it a lot.
Royce: I very much would have enjoyed seeing that, I think.
Chaz: Me too.
Arnold: Ditto.
Sara: Maybe we should go on vacation when all this crazy stuff blows over.
Shiarra: That's not likely to happen anytime soon.
Chaz: I'd go to Vegas if I could get away for a vacation.
Arnold: Because of the hookers?
Shiarra: If he wants to live to see the end of this interview, he isn't
going to answer that question.
Royce: Perhaps he should answer it, then.
Chaz: Oh, screw you, dead man.
Royce: I don't lie with dogs.
Sara: That's… uh… kinda gross.
Chaz: What?!
Arnold: Shia's turning pretty red over there.
Shiarra: I don't want to talk about it.
Royce: Perhaps now would be a good time to mention it would not be
wise for any of you to travel to Las Vegas.
Arnold: What, even me? Why?
Royce: The master vampire over that territory and I are not on good terms.
If he knew someone with a connection to me--however indirect--was visiting,
he would not take kindly to it.
Sara: Why aren't you guys best of buds?
Royce: I would rather not discuss that here.
Chaz: Big surprise.
Shiarra: I'm kind of disturbed by the idea that I might end up in trouble
just for going on vacation. Are you in a pissing match with anybody
else right now?
Sara: Are you allowed to say “pissing” here?
Arnold: Too late if she can't.
Chaz: Heh.
Royce: I wouldn't say such words in public again, were I you. It's bad for
your image.
Shiarra: Oh, yay. The most pressing of my worries.
Sara: No kidding. I'm with Shia, though. What places should we avoid? Are
there any cities that are safe to visit?
Royce: If you leave my territory, I cannot promise that you would be safe.
Some of the other vampires take pains to police the areas they are responsible
for, and some do not.
Arnold: There are only fifteen master vamps in the U.S., including you. They
can't be everywhere.
Royce: We have deputies to act as our representatives in the larger cities
under our care. We are always--always--watching for enemies and unexpected guests.
Shiarra: That's mildly disturbing.
Chaz: More than mildly.
Sara: Wait a sec. Fifteen? I've heard of Clyde Seabreeze in Los Angeles,
but I don't know of any others.
Royce: That is no coincidence. Most of them wish to remain unknown by human
society, ignored by any Others not of their own kind.
Arnold: Someone cue the Secret Agent Man theme.
Chaz: I'm not surprised. Leeches are a shady bunch. I can name a few of
'em for you.
Royce: That may not be a wise move. This is a public forum.
Arnold: Dude, I know it's tempting not to listen to him, but he's right.
It's not a good idea to broadcast stuff like that without telling the
vamps in advance what you're doing. They take exception to that stuff.
Royce: As do most Others. We all value our privacy.
Shiarra: Can I guess one? I want to guess!
Sara: I just want to know where it's safe to take a vacation when this
is all over.
Arnold: Don't worry. Wherever you want to go, I'll protect you.
Chaz: Ha. Don't count on it. One mage against a host of vampires?
Or a pack of Weres? Good luck.
Shiarra: I dunno. Arnold seems pretty capable of taking care of himself.
Chaz: Maybe if he was alone. But watching over Sara? And maybe you, too?
No, he'd never make it.
Royce: You underestimate the power of a mage, wolf. It's no wonder you can't
maintain leadership of your own pack.
Chaz: A momentary setback. I'll be taking everything in hand as soon
as I figure out who set me up. And I do mean everything.
Shiarra: I don't like that sound of that.
You can learn more about Shiarra and the rest of her friends in HUNTED BY THE OTHERS (link: ).
For the next stop on the blog tour, be sure to visit the official STALKING THE OTHERS blog tour calendar (link: )!
For the next stop on the blog tour, be sure to visit
You can also visit me on the
Thanks again for having me
and the gang over, Tori!

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Vampires, werewolves, mages–the Others are very real, and wreaking havoc in Shiarra Waynest’s life. But now, she’s returning the favor…
Once, she was one of the good guys–or as close as a New York P.I. can get. Then Shiarra Waynest was drawn into the world of the Others. Every faction has its own loyalties and agenda. And Shia’s recent betrayal by her ex-boyfriend means that she may be on the verge of becoming a rogue werewolf at the next full moon.
Of course, with all the threats against her, Shia’s not sure she’ll live long enough to find out. The enigmatic vampire Royce wants her back in his clutches, as do two powerful werewolf packs, along with the police. Instead of going into hiding, Shia is enlisting the aid of her enchanted hunter’s belt and every dirty P.I. trick she knows. If she’s going down, she’ll take out as many of her enemies as she can–and hope that in the process, she keeps whatever humanity she has left…
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