We've got a special guest today for you all! She's stopping by to give us a little bit of insight, and I hope you all enjoy the character interview :)
Name: Jessica McClain
Age: 19
Zodiac sign: Leo
What do you look like?
Dark hair, sky blue eyes. Kind of tall, but not compared to the guys.
What's your favorite color?
If there was one physical trait you could change about yourself, what would it be, and why?
I would make myself stronger, so I had a better chance to survive.
What is your biggest strength?
Your weakness?
Being human.
Are you currently in a relationship or crushing on someone? If so, describe his/her personality and appearance:
No. There’s no one here who would date me anyway, but my type would be strong and independent.
What do you like to do for fun?
What's your favorite food?
Night owl or early bird?
Night owl.
Is there a phrase or motto that you live by?
My personal motto is: Live to see the next day.
What wouldn't you be caught dead doing? Going out during a full moon.

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Jessica McClain was born the only female in an all male race. The only problem is-she's no wolf. Called a curse, a witch and the Daughter of Evil by the superstitious wolves, Jessica decides to fight for her freedom, at age nineteen, the only way she can-in the ring.
When she's brutally attacked right after her fight, is it enough to finally earn her freedom off Compound, or will she be forced to endure the hatred even longer . . .
Hmmm this sounds interesting. New author/series for me.