Twelve of the best-known tales of King Arthur and his knights, retold from Malory's "Morte d'Arthur" and other medieval sources.
My Rating:
This book is a collection of well-known stories set in Britain that follow Arthur from his birth to death. The illustrations are somewhat choppy and rough, though this serves to reinforce the writing style and the time in which these stories were based upon. There is some character development within the book, though the characters generally appear to be set in their ways. After committing a grave error, most knights repent for their wrongs.
A general theme of the book is chivalry and the importance of maintaining one’s honor; due to Gwendolyn and Lancelot’s lack of honor for their king, the entire round table eventually falls.
The author uses repetition during battle – a constant factor within this book – to grant familiarity and predictability for young readers. The style of writing is also brief, and, as was mentioned earlier, choppy.
Not my cup of tea. The writing was somewhat bland, and the pictures did not capture my interest. As for the stories themselves... they were simplified versions of the tales that I read in my college classes (and I prefer the college texts to this). This book is nice if one would like to read a simplified version of these tales in order to learn a bit more about Arthur and his knights.
Recommended for children: 9+
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