A Note:


I once told myself: IF I am accepted into grad school, this blog would no longer be updated. As it turns out, in April, I received news of my acceptance for the Fall 2013 semester, where I will attain a Master's degree of Science in Nutrition.

Running a blog, as many of you may already know, is a demanding side job once the excitement wears off. And once I fell out of the blogging community's loop (have you SEEN how many blogs there are now? Wow!), it was like the kiss of death. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't get into a blogging routine once this happened due to the disconnect I felt from the community.

So I took a break. I struggled with the loss and with missing my blog. And then I realized I didn't have to run Book Faery to still be a book reviewer; I could read my books and post reviews online. I'm still a book review blogger, just not in the traditional sense.

I'll still be online. You can chat with me on Twitter, where I'll be posting links to my reviews and talking books. I'll also be posting links to nutrition articles. And if you'd like to connect with me where I guarantee I will post reviews, just add me as a friend on Goodreads.

So that's all, folks! It's been a fun and amazing journey, and I thank you all for listening to my thoughts about books. I hope we all can keep in touch elsewhere :)


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Unknown by Rachel Caine

Living among mortals, Cassiel has begun to develop a reluctant affection for them--especially the intriguing Warden Luis Rocha.  As the mystery deepens around the kidnapping of innocent Warden children, Cassiel and Luis are the only ones who can investigate within both the human and the Djinn realms.

But the more Luis and Cassiel search, the more dangerous the trail becomes, reaching not only into a fanatical splinter group, but into the highest ranks of Cassiel's immortal kin.  An outcast from her own kind, Cassiel must now rely on her own limited earthbound powers to save the young Wardens...if it's not already too late.

Obtained: Bought
Genre:  Urban Fantasy
Series: Outcast Season
1. Undone (book review)
2. Unknown
My Rating:

Cassiel, a Djinn-turned-human, is faced with a huge predicament revealed at the end of Undone: give in to Ashan's demands and thus, become Djinn again, or fight Pearl--a malevolent force she destroyed thousands of years ago--but as a human this time.

Paired with Luis Rocha, the duo are constantly attacked by child soldiers trained by Pearl.  Not only that, but more and more reports of missing children are popping up everywhere they turn.  Isabel, kidnapped in the prior installment of this series, is still missing.  Perhaps there is a link between these children and Ibby's disappearance?

My Opinion:
Like I said up above, I am in love.  I thought that I enjoyed the Weather Warden series, but Cassiel's story definitely beats Joanne's in my books. 

The slow and steady shift from Djinn to human is what intrigued me the most with this newest installment.  Djinn in Caine's universe are cold and calculating, yet we see such warmth in Cassiel's character.  It is a sudden, significant shift that occurred in Undone, and one that was written beautifully and explored further in Unknown.  It is important to note, however, that while Cassiel is human and acts more human with each and every page, the Djinn in her still pops up here and there throughout the book.  Reintroducing the cold and calculating back into Cassiel's character added a new and interesting twist for me.  The shift between the two is both subtle and smooth, and the reactions from all the secondary characters are amusing, to say the least.

The strange physical attraction Cassiel felt towards the Earth Warden, Luis, in Undone has sparked romance betwixt the duo now.  Said romance is not only believable, but also charming, hilarious, and absolutely "aww!"-worthy.  Unknown ended on such a beautiful note, I squealed in delight and hugged the book to my chest in glee.

Wondering if you should start this series by Ms. Caine?  I highly suggest you do.


  1. Hi, Tori! You know, I was waffling on this series before, but thanks to your fine review, I'll have to see about trying this one! :)Thank you for the recommendation!

  2. I'm so glad that you're considering it! That just made me so happy to hear.

    I'll be holding a giveaway very soon where Undone will be one of the prizes.
