The Case for Tate
by Evelyn Lafont
Oh yeah, I felt your gazes getting warm with anger the moment you read the title of this post. “The case for TATE?” You may be thinking, ”But—HELLO—Bones!” I know, I totally know. Bones is…yeah, no, he is really hot and sweet and I love him too but, okay—just give me a minute to make my case for Tate.
Poor, lowly Tate allowed his feelings for Cat to develop and ripen over the years. He spent time with her during training, at work, and after work playing poker. Ever the gentleman, he never made a pass at her or even let on that he was developing feelings for her. I like to think he held back because he sensed her emotional distance and wanted to allow her time to work through her issues without the pressure of a mate while doing so. (After rereading that sentence, I now like to think that I have too much time on my hands. Can someone teach me how to knit?)
It’s obvious that he cares about her. We know this since we saw (before Bones’ return) that Tate had one picture by his bed, and it was of her. This means so much more than the drunken kiss he stole. It’s a sign of constant devotion…and maybe a little creepy covert picture taking skills. But man, it’s not like it was a wall of creepy stalker pics with candles and hair follicles and shit. Cut the guy some slack!
Once Bones entered the picture again, Tate finally saw what Cat was like in love (something he didn’t see when she was with Noah), and he realized that his window for relationship progression might have passed. It is natural, after allowing the one you love to be free for so long, to be threatened and feel remorse when someone else comes into their life—someone they don’t even know as well as they know you—and gives them that inner light that you probably dreamed about giving.
Once Tate acknowledged his feelings for Cat, he gave up his humanity to protect her. I know, I know, everyone thinks he did that just because he thought she’d like him better if he was all, bad-ass blood sucker, but really—I think he finally understood, after seeing Bones in action, how little protection a paltry human could offer her and wanted to fill that gap. And despite being the constant butt of jokes and cog in the vampire gossip machine, he sticks by her and remains devoted.
I love Cat and Bones together, I really do. I don’t want Tate to “get the girl,” but I’d like to see him get just a little bit of lovins somewhere…don’t you?
Evelyn Lafont is a paranormal chick lit author and freelance writer with an addiction to Xanax and a predilection for snark. Her Vampire Relationship Guide series is a comedy about dating, sexing, and living with vampires. Evelyn has also merged her penchant for sexy vampires and useless advice into a satirical monthly e-zine, VampLure.com.
Blog: EvelynLafont.com
E-zine: Vamplure.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AuthorEvelynLafont
Link to Amazon Author page: http://www.amazon.com/Evelyn-Lafont/e/B004UISZJQ/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
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Great post !!I comepletely agree he should get some lovin.Have a great day .Its gonna be another hot one here in NC.
This sounds like it'll be a good read.
ReplyDeletesgiden at verizon.net
Thanks for the post. I think he should find his love too. I'll volunteer if you need me...LOL
musicalfrog at comcast. net
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteInternational - Slovakia
I agree I love Tate but if it's between Bones sorry. But since Cat doesn't want him I'll take him!
ReplyDeleteFrom the US in Va
Okay the "Vampire Relationship Guide: Meeting and Mating" just is the best title I have seen in a while. So funny and I hope it is filled with witting things.
ReplyDelete*crossing fingers and toes*
Michelle (@OBoyledBooks)
OBoyledBooks [at] gmail [dot] com